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The Russian-English Reference Guide to data on crime
Alexander Nikiforov,
Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
JurInfoR publishing house ...
The Russian-English Reference Guide to data on crime (general and organized in Russian Federation (RF) (1997-2001), Russian criminal justice system problems of constitutionalism rule-of-law government, human rights and political repressions in RF, CIS, USSR. On the whole, some 400 pp.
The Guide consists of 11 (eleven) sections namely: crime in RF (statistical data of the RF Ministry of Interior (MVD) for the years 1997-2001: general (non-organized) crime, form 1-G (abstracts), organized crime (official statistical data (abstracts); judicial system in RF (1997-2000); criminal justice in RF (law enforcement judiciary, administration of justice, criminal procedure, criminal law, penal law, including legislative acts, drafts, commentaries official reports, judicial practice etc.; and related bibliography; bibliography in general: crime, juvenile delinquency, general criminology and related matters, specially-bibliography on organized crime and corruption; bibliography on criminal statistics: bibliography on criminalistics and forensic expertise; bibliography on law enforcement; bibliography on judicature judiciary, administration of criminal justice, criminal procedure, including overall problems of rule of law and human rights protection, essence and aims, basic principles, main provisions and institutions; textbooks, manuals, courses of lectures; pretrial proceedings: inquiry and preliminary investigation; trial court; the jury proceedings; proceedings of superior court; recommencement of cases on the base of newly disclosed circumstances; sentence enforcement stage special proceedings; justices of the peace proceedings; criminal law and penal policy: overall problems; courses (treatrises), textbooks, manuals; general part: principles, institutions, rules, problems; special part: corpuses delicti, mitigating and aggravating circumstances, classification, sanctions; penal policy; problems of constitutionalism, rule-of-law government, human rights and political repressions in RF, CIS USSR.
Practically, the majority of articles in the Guide are structured in the following way: the name of the author
(on editor) and his (her) work in Russian with translation into English, then imprints in Russian. A great lot if
not the majority, of publications referred to in the Guide are annotated. Publications by the Institute of
State and Law, the Research Institutes of the Russian MVD and Procurator's Office, Russian Association for
Criminology and Memorial Society are referred to. Special attention is paid by the compiler to materials and
reports from conferences, seminars, round tables, etc., which have dealt with problems of organized crime
and corruption (as well as to particular works on the subjects by individual writers. Among these special editions
the following ones are to be mentioned particularly:
1. Materials of Theoretical and Practical Conference, March
26-27, 1996, No.2. МВД России. Московский институт. M. 1996. 135 cc (pp.).
2. International Cooperation in Control on Laundering Incomes Gained by Illegal Way. Eds. S.V.Maximov,
L.Yu.Ismailova. М. ЮрИнфоР. 1999. 81 сс (pp.).
3. Organized Crime. Round Table: Problems,
Discussions, Propositions.М., Юридическая литература. 1989. 351 сс (pp.)
4. Organized Crime - 2. Round Table: Problems Discussion, Propositions. Eds.-in-shief A.Y.Dolgova, S.V. Dyakov.
Криминологическая ассоциация. 1993. 325 сс (pp.).
5. Organized Crime - 3. Problems, discussions, propositions. Association for Criminology. Криминологическая
Ассоциация. М. 1996. 326 сс (pp.).
6. Organized Crime 4. Криминологическая ассоциация. НИИ укрепления законности и
правопорядка. М., 1998. 276 сс (pp.).
7. Studies in Organized Crime: Russian-American Dialogue. MSU American Russian Center for Studies in Organized Crime.
Collected Articles. М., Олимп. 1997. 317 сс (pp).
8. Cooperation between Russian and American Law Enforcement
Agencies in Combating New Economic Crimes. М., ЮрИнфоР. 1998. 71 сс (pp.).
9. ABA. CEE LI. Department of Justice USA. Joint Project of Aid to Criminal Justice Reform. Corruption.
Set of Materials. М., 1999. 51 сс (pp).
10. Issues of Combating Corruption. Round Tables Materials. Институт Актуального Образования "ЮрИнфоР - МГУ",
Американская Ассоциация Адвокатов. М., 1999. 195 сс (pp.).
11. Corruption and Control on It. М. Российская криминологическая ассоциация. 2000. 314 сс (pp.).
12. Pressing Problems of Anticorruption Policy in Russian Federation. The Federal Assembly of RF State Duma.
Comission on Control over Corruption. Institute of State and Law, RAS. Association of Non-Public Structures of
Security International Cooperation. Institute of Contemporary Education "JurInfoR-MSU". М. АО "Центр ЮрИнфоР".
2001. 56 сс (pp.).
13. The State, Problems of Application and Perfection of Legislation on Control over Organized Crime and
Corruption. Reports from All-the-Russia Theoretical and Practical Conference, June 7-8, 2000. № 1. Московский
Институт МВД России. М. 2000. 418 сс (pp.).
14. Corruption: political, economic, organizational and legal
problems V.V.Luneev, ed. Институт государства и права, РАН. Американский университет (г. Вашингтон). Московский
исследовательский центр по проблемам транснациональной организованной преступности и коррупции. М. Юристъ.
2001. 426 сс (pp.).
15. Organized Crime and Corruption Studies, Surveys, Information. Social and Legal Almanac. 2000.
Вашингтон, Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург, Иркутск, Владивосток, Харьков. № 1. 120 сс (pp.).
Key words
Key Words for the Reference Guide to data on crime, etc. in RF
- General crime
- Organized crime
- Judicial system
- Criminal justice
- Procurator General's department
- Supreme Court
- The jury
- Law enforcement
- Judiciary
- Criminal procedure
- Criminal law
- Juvenile delinquency
- Corruption
- Criminal statistics
- Criminalistics
- Forensic expertise
- Penal policy
- Constitutionalism
- Human rights
- Political repressions